FPC Contributors have had much to say about the 2024 Federal Budget, and much more will be coming. This will have implications for real estate sales, investing in corporations, estate freezes, charitable contributions, business sales, and many other financial planning concerns.

Aaron Hector has unleashed a Tweetstorm unpacking the good and the bad of this budget:

Jason Pereira is never shy to express his opinion, and I think this is just the beginning for Budget 2024:

Yours truly went into spreadsheet mode and build this sheet comparing the sale of a business under the old rules (LCGE and 50% inclusion) to the sale of a business under the new rules (LCGE, mixed inclusion rates, CEI). You should be able to download from this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VGynK7iRphPTA_9FDYUJvG0I7ajW6n5-ApiXW1MS9Ng/edit?usp=sharing

I know we'll see more in the coming days. Aravind Sithamparapillai has smoke coming out his ears as he processes the impacts on estate freezes. Benjamin Felix is thinking about the Money Scope content he and Mark Soth will have to re-record.