Employment law is one of those areas where financial planners occasionally come across questions, but seldom have a great set of answers on hand. This resource https://canadianlabour.ca/employment-standards/ provides a province-by-province breakdown of statutory requirements for employers.

Be careful when it comes to severance, though. The statutory minimum is often far below what the common-law calls for. This can present substantial risk to employers who rely on Google instead of calling an Employment Lawyer. A very rough rule of thumb in the common-law might be that an employer provides 3 weeks of severance for every year of service.

Every financial advisor should have an employment lawyer in their list of resources. This is different from a labour lawyer. Employment law = non-unionized / non-collective bargaining. Labour law = union or collective bargaining.

Thanks to Dave Patriarche from https://cgib.ca/ for this resource. If you're active in the group benefits space, CGIB is an amazing resource.