This week we covered a variety of topics, from adding adult kids to your investment accounts, to how you can magnify your social impact regardless of your income level.

View the weekly round-up below.

Have a great weekend!

Retirees: Please Avoid These Risks of Adding Adult Kids to Your Accounts
Whenever retirees hear the word “probate” they immediately feel the urge to avoid it at all costs. This may cause them to take steps that they believe are harmless and will allow them to avoid this process. Commonly, one of these steps is adding their adult children as joint owners
Are you tax planning for you, or your estate?
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin While death and taxes may be certain, the variables in and around them are certainly not. That’s why they warrant attention and planning. The following analysis provides some food for thought when deciding